Irregular Verbs

Posted by on Saturday, March 3, 2012 Under: Language Arts

Irregular Verbs : The past and the past participle of some verbs are not formed by adding –ed.

Part 1

The following is a list of Irregular Verbs in English:

 * HANG - Hang has two different meanings. The first is "to attach (or hang) something in a high 
 position" (e.g. on the wall or on a hook). In this case we use the above verbs Hang-Hung-Hung.

BUT when Hang means "to kill someone by putting a rope around someone's neck and leaving them 
in a high position without any support", we use different verbs: Hang-Hanged-hanged. This verb is
typical of public executions in the past. (e.g. They hanged him in the main square.)

** LIE - Lie has two meanings. When it means "to put your body in a horizontal position
(normally on a bed) it uses the Lie-Lay-Lain verbs.

BUT it is regular Lie-Lied-Lied when it has the other meaning of "not to say the truth".

*** READ - Even though they are written the same, the pronunciation is different in the Past Tense
and Past Participle form.

Part 2

The following verbs can be regular or irregular:

The second form (burnt, dreamt etc.) is more common in British English.

Part 3

Verbs that have the same form in Present, Past and Past Participle form:

In : Language Arts 

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