Numeracy Target for Year 5

Posted by iampatpatt on Saturday, March 20, 2010 Under: Learning Information

By the end of Year 5, most children should be able to…


Multiply and divide any whole number up to 10 000 by 10 or 100.


Know what the digits in a decimal number stand for, e.g. the 6 in 2.63 stands for 6 tenths and the 3 for 3 hundredths.


Round numbers with 1 decimal place to the nearest whole number, e.g. 9.7 rounds up to 10, 147.2 rounds down to 147.


Use division to find a fraction of a number, e.g. find one fifth by dividing by 5.


Work out in their head the difference between two numbers such as 3994 and 9007.


Use pencil and paper to add and subtract big numbers,

e.g. 5792 + 8436, 13 912 – 5829.


Know by heart all multiplication tables up to 10 x 10.


Double numbers up to 100 in their heads.


Use pencil and paper to multiply and divide, e.g. 328 x 4, 72 x 56, 329 ÷ 6.


Draw and measure lines to the nearest millimetre.


Work out the perimeter and area of a rectangle, e.g. the perimeter and area of a book cover measuring 25cm by 20cm.


Solve word problems and explain their method.



                                     is working on the targets that are ticked.


Decimal number plates

  • Each choose a car number plate with three digits e.g. P645CJM

  • Choose two of the digits, e.g. 4 and 6. Make the smallest and largest numbers you can, each with 1 decimal places, e.g. 4.6 and 6.4.

  • Now find the difference between the two decimal numbers, e.g. 6.4 – 4.6 = 1.8.

  •  Whoever makes the biggest difference scores 10 points.

  • The person with the most points wins.

Play the game again, but this time score 10 points for the smallest difference, or 10 points for the biggest total.


Finding areas and perimeters


Perimeter = distance around the edge of a shape

Area of a rectangle = length x breadth (width)

  • Collect 5 or 6 used envelopes of different sizes.

  • Ask your child to estimate the perimeter of each one to the nearest centimetre. Write the estimate on the back.

  • Now measure. Write the estimate next to the measurement.

  • How close did your child get?

  • Now estimate then work out the area of each envelope.

  • Were perimeters or areas easier to estimate? Why?

You could do something similar using an old newspaper, e.g.

  • Work out which page has the biggest area used for photographs.

  • Choose a page and work out the total area of news stories or adverts on that page.


Fun activities to do at home

How much?

  • While shopping, point out an item costing less than £1.

  • Ask your child to work out in their head the cost of 3 items.

  •  Ask them to guess first. See how close they come.

  • If you see any items labelled, for example, ‘2 for £3.50’, ask them to work out the cost of 1 item for you, and to explain how they got the answer.


Times tables

Say together the six times table forwards, then backwards. Ask your child questions, such as:


Nine sixes?

Six times four? 

Three multiplied by six?

How many sixes in 42?

Forty-eight divided by six?

Six times what equals sixty

Repeat with the seven, eight and nine times tables.


In : Learning Information 

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